
Marching Band!

Oh happy daaaaaaaaaaaay... :)))

Man, today was definitely one of the MOST AWESOME days so far. If not the best!
Last night, I sent an email to the marching band teacher, Mr Hilton. I told him that I'm a German exchange student and interested in joining the marching band. I also told him that I unfortunately don't really play a typical marching band instrument but that I've played the piano for a couple of years. I sent that email pretty late so I didn't expect any reaction to it until Monday.
Therefore, I was pretty surprised and confused this morning when before and during my 1st hour, Chemistry, several marching band members asked me about my plans on joining the marching band - how did they know before first hour???? I still have no clue ^^... Well, however, they all seemed happy about it :) and it was so cool that they all came up to me... the first one was Keith, a guy who rides my bus and seems to be really nice. He said Mr Hilton told him I wanted to join the marching band and that Mr Hilton was going to sent tutorial passes (we have to tutorial time at the end of 1st hour, meaning you can go and talk to a teacher if you have a tutorial pass) to me and someone else from the marching band so that I could talk to him about it. Keith plays a special kind of saxophone (I didn't find the English word on LEO...) and so does Katie. Some other band members talked to me (oh, and one girl from my Precalc class who's also in my Chemistry class... I helped her with a problem she couldn't solve last night) and during the hour, two tutorial passes for Katie and me arrived.
When I walked to the band room later with Katie, we talked about Homecoming - and she invited me to go with her and the other girls from lunch :) (and I think some more people from the marching band)! That made me so happy. We'll be going to a girl named Chelsea's house first, then we'll go out for dinner and then we'll go to the dance. I'm so excited and soooooooo glad I can go with them :) They are all so nice...
Talking to Mr Hilton was easy. He seems to be a very cool teacher, straight, funny and ambitious. He told me we could get me involved into the marching band, and they can even use my piano skills - I'll be playing the synthesizer! So I won't actually march but be part of the Pit (the group of students that play instruments you can't march with, they just stand in front of the field and play). Mr Hilton gave me the current Marching Lancers calendar with important dates and rehearsals (rehearsals are usually on Tuesday and Thursday from 5 to 9 pm) and a parent handbook and told me that I had to change my schedule so that I had at least one band class (that's required for the marching band) and that I had to talk to a "band mom" (???) about getting a uniform.
On our way back to the Chemistry room, Katie told me some more things about the marching band... it's such a cool thing - and I'm involved!!
(Oh happy day... ;) )
I met the other Katie in the hallway later and told her I'd be joining the marching band, and she also seemed to be happy about it :)
During lunch, we talked a little more about that and about Homecoming again.
The Precalc test today was okay, I think I pretty much got most of it right. In my Drawing class, we're drawing people right now - 2 students model for 15 minutes and the rest of the class has to draw them. I so suck at this - I just can't draw heads!
After school, I went to see my counsellor because of the schedule change. Courtney went with me. Changing was no problem although actually schedule changes aren't possible anymore - well, my counsellor's awesome ;) I'm in Symphony Band now. Unfortunately, I had to drop my Drawing class for it... I would've preferred to drop my Drafting class instead because I don't really learn much in that class anyways (I'm way ahead of everyone else and Mr Caldwell is soooo impressed of my work although I just draw simple draftings from directions in the book all the time... I don't understand what could be hard about that) but well, that wasn't possible. So I agreed to drop my Drawing class. I mean, I still have it second semester... It still makes me a little sad because although that was a hard class, I really liked it. And the stupid thing is that I'll have to start all over again in second semester. But at the moment, the whole band thing is just way more important for me.
So on Monday, I'll have my first Symphony Band hour with Mr Hilton! And my first Marching Band rehearsal is on Tuesday. I'm so excited :)
Other than these awesome changes, I didn't do anything special today... homework, chores, cleaning my room, reading the Marching Band information, going to Kroger's with Sheila and Grayson to get something for dinner... (we got some salmon, fish sticks and 2 little packets of sushi and had that later with rice, vegetables, bread and maccaroni and cheese for dinner - yummy!) At the store next to Kroger's I got some colored paper for letters. Maybe I'll actually have time and enough motivation to write some :P
Tomorrow I might go to a big Girl's Football Game with Courtney... I don't really know yet. I want to practise the piano a lot :) (getting prepared, you know ;) ) and well, yeah, maybe write some letters. I don't know whether we're going to church tomorrow or on Sunday... I think tomorrow I'll get to try on a homecoming dress Sheila's cousin would borrow me but it probably won't fit because it's a size 4. If it doesn't fit, we'll go to the mall on Sunday so I can get my homecoming dress :) uuuh another thing to be excited about ^^



Anonymous said...

Huhu meine Süße,
Du hast ja mal wieder ein Glück! Gratuliere Dir und hoffe, die Marching Band wird so sein, wie Du es Dir vorstellt. Ich wünsche Dir jedenfalls viel Spaß und hoffe, es wird jemanden geben, der Dich dann mal in Aktion fotografiert! Bin sehr gespannt, schade, dass ich es nicht hören werde!

Dechelly said...


Hallo Maria,
es macht mir viel Spass Dein Tagebuch zu lesen.Es ist schön, dass Du Dich bei Deinen Gasteltern
so wohlfühlst.
Ulli und ich haben uns Dein Haus bei Google earth angesehen. Sieht toll aus. Wir haben in Eurem Garten aber Bäume vermisst.

Viele Grüsse aus Berlin.
