We left around 6.30 in the morning. The ride up to the cottage the Priemers had rented - it was very close by the Lake Huron - took a couple of hours. When we finally got there, we had a few minutes to get a little settled and then we left for canoeing.
After we had arrived at the canoe rental place, a guy from there took us and two canoes to a place 6 miles up the river. There we started our canoeing tour.
I was in a canoe with Doug, Grayson and Michaela. The tour was so much fun. The nature up there is so beautiful and the water of the river was unbelievable clear. We stopped at the river bank twice to have some cheese and crackers, pop or water and to let the children play and swim. Sheila, Courtney and I went into the water only the second time. I enjoyed the trip very much.
After the canoeing tour, we got back to the cottage and went to the lake's beach across the street. While the little ones played in the sand and in the water, Courtney and I started reading and both fell asleep. It was very comfortable but unfortunately we both got sun-burned on our backs and legs.
When we came back from the beach, Doug and the little kids went to the pool of the main building of the whole cottage rental. Sheila, Courtney and I returned to our cottage. There we watched TV and Sheila and I took showers.
Later, we went out for dinner. I had a huge chef salad, it was very good. After that, we went to the house of Doug's dad. It is a beautiful house at a lake, their grandpa and his wife are very nice and they have two dogs (one of them is still a puppy!).
While the adults talked and the little kids played somewhere, Courtney and I walked around or sat by the lake or on the back veranda and talked. It was nice, I like talking to Courtney because she's such a funny person.
On our way back to the cottage that night, we stopped at an ice-cream place. I had some DELICIOUS apple pie ice-cream there!
Back at the cottage, we watched TV for a while and then went to bed.
On Saturday, we had breakfast in the main building. After that, we packed all our stuff into the car and left the cottage. We went to a hiking place. Although it was very hot, I enjoyed the hiking a lot. The nature was amazing!

We spent about 1-2 hours at that place. Then we started the ride back home.
Today Sheila, Courtney and I went to church (I think Doug went last night). This time, I felt perfectly well and I start to get used to the mass. Well, I still can't speak much more than a few of the responses they say to the priest and the Our Father but it is getting better.
I don't think we're doing something special today. Tomorrow is Labor Day, that seems to be a little like the German 'Tag der Arbeit' (is that what it's called??) and everyone has off that day. That's why we don't start school until Tuesday.
I'm so excited about that...
Tomorrow night I'm going to make my first High School lunch paket!
Huhu meine Süße,
wie schöööön endlich Fotos!!!! Und die Sonne auf Deinem Bett *schnief und *freu!
Apple-pie-icecream? Das heißt doch Apfelkucheneiscreme, das klingt ja interessant.
Da hast Du ja suuuuuuupertolle Tage gehabt.
Für den 1. Schultag wünsche ich Dir aaaaaaaaalles Liebe und gutes Gelingen (das wünsche ich auch Courtney, für sie wird es ja auch spannend)! Ich freue mich bereits auf Deinen nächsten Bericht.
Deine Mama
Hallo Maria,
Deine Berichte sind toll und wenn man die Fotos sieht (hab welche von Deiner Mom per mail bekommen) kann man sich vorstellen wie toll es dort sein muß. Du bist echt zu beneiden. Ich wünsche Dir einen superguten Start für die Schule und auch Deiner Gastschwester Courtney und warte gespannt auf Deinen nächsten Bericht.
Liebe Grüße
Hallo maria!Hab grad deine Seite hier entdeckt und wollte mich auch mal schnell melden.Hoffe,dir geht es gut da hinten und alles laeuft,wie du es dir vorgestellt hast.Wie war dein Schulstart,alles gut gelaufen? Mach weiter so mit deinen Berichten! Liebe Gruesse aus Muenster! Svenja
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