
Mondays are... tired.

And it's not only me, on Mondays you see many more people sleeping in class than usual.

Calling Christian again last night was nice :) it made me so happy.
Today, it was hard to get up - Monday! Well, it was okay though.
The Chemistry test wasn't hard, I think I did pretty good on it. Ms Potter keeps giving us candy... on holidays (every kind of holiday, even the rather unpopular ones), for answering questions right, and today because of the test. She's so funny.
My Drafting teacher, Mr Caldwell, finally noticed my accent and asked me whether I'd been born in the US or not. So I told him that I'm an exchange student.
In Precalc we start doing stuff that's new for me. It's still rather easy, our book is pretty good and Mr Curtis really knows how to explain the things you actually need to know.
I didn't talk to Rob today (he was sleeping at the end of Precalc when we all had some spare time until the bell rang) but I talked to Britney and Katie (the Sophmore Katie, I'm pretty sure the one I met at the game is a Junior) about the marching band and they told me the name of the teacher who leads it. I want to talk to him, let's see if I can get that done tomorrow morning before 1st hour. I also talked to a girl that's in my Chemistry and Precalc classes. I don't remember her name... argh.
Elvi und Albert - danke fuer die Postkarte! Ich hab mich echt gefreut :) und Sheila war total begeistert von den Bildern darauf... "That looks so nice!" ;)
Nothing special happened today... I spent the afternoon and evening doing homework, walking up to Rite Aid to get some bathroom stuff and milk, doing my chores and cleaning Courtney's and my bathroom.

And now I want some ice-cream!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huhu meine liebe Maria,

zu Deiner Liste mit den Dingen, die Du vermißt: Sie hat mich sehr berührt. Dinge, die so alltäglich, unwichtig und lästig erscheinen, bekommen plötzlich eine ganz andere Bedeutung. Dadurch wird klar, wie wichtig auch die oft kaum bemerkten "Kleinigkeiten" sind und Du erkennst, dass auch sie irgendeine Bedeutung haben und eine Rolle spielen. Auch bei mir sind es die so oft mit Dir gelebten "Kleinigkeiten", die mich immer wieder an Dich denken lassen und dann vermisse ich Dich.
Aber ich freu mich mit Dir, geniess die Zeit!!!