That really sucks, I'm sniffing and sneezing all the time...
Yesterday was the YFU Orientation Meeting. Before that, I went picking up Courtney with Sheila (Courtney had been babysitting the whole night) and we went to Sheila's brother who lives about a half an hour drive away. While Sheila helped him picking tomatoes out of his tomatoe garden, Courtney and I went to Kroeger across the street (I needed a huge bottle of pop and some snack to share for the YFU Meeting, so we bought some Rock and Ryde... don't know what that is but it tastes good ;) and some chocolate chip cookies). After that, we went to Subway - right next to Kroeger - for lunch. Then we returned to Sheila's brother's house where they were almost done picking tomatoes. There were hundreds of them! We put them on our truck and started our way back. When we got back home, we had to hurry and then Sheila took me to the meeting.

It was fun there, about half of the exchange students were German, almost the other half were Asians (students from Japan and Thailand) and the last few were Skandinavian. We did the typical YFU stuff: introduce ourselves, divide up into groups, do the How-Can-I-Be-A-Good-Exchange-Student, What-To-Do-When-I-Get-A-Culture-Shock and Where-To-Go-If-I-Have-Problems stuff. That was kind of difficult because we were all way too tired to do that stuff over and over again. But it was okay, we had a lot of snack breaks.
At 6pm, the host families arrived and we had a potluck dinner. The amount of food was HUGE. And the food was soooo good!! Yummy!
Doug and my siblings went back home after that, Sheila stayed for a parent meeting and I stayed for a last group meeting (How-Did-You-Like-This-Meeting-And-What-Can-We-Do-Different).
On the way back home, I had a nice conversation with Sheila. I told her that some of the kids - I didn't tell her the names, I forgot most of them anyways - actually have concerns about talking to their host parents about problems. I really can't imagine that right now because I feel that I can talk to Sheila about everything, and that's what I told her. I think she was happy about that and she also told me about some of the concerns she had before I arrived.
I really feel like I'm growing closer and closer to my "American Family" every day :) I couldn't be luckier!
Today was a hard day. School was exhausting because of the cold I have and because although I sleep much, I'm still very tired most of the time. Well, the good thing about school was that we got the Precalculus quiz back, and I got 100%! It was kind of embarassing because Mr Curtis announced in front of the whole class that I was the only one with a "perfect paper". Well, but I'm proud of myself as well ;) Right now, my nose is pretty much closed and I can't breathe properly through it and that again gives me a headache. I should go to bed early today.
Well, that's what I say every night...
1 comment:
Huhu meine liebe Maria,
das ist wirklich blöd mit Deiner Erkältung! Schone Dich bitte und ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung!
Es ist sehr schön zu hören, dass Du Dich Deiner Familie immer mehr zugehörig fühlst.
Und über die gelungene Arbeit freue ich mich auch sehr, wow!!!
Bis bald, hdgggggggggggggggdmsl!!!
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