It's cooling off a little.
After I had written my blog entry on Tuesday, Courtney came back home (she brought her cheerleading friend Amanda) and a little later Sheila and we, the kids, went to friends of the family. They have a pool and a lot of people were already there, most of them smaller kids. We had a fun afternoon there eating hot dogs and other yummy snacks and swimming/playing in the pool. I had a lot of fun with Michaela, her friend Amanda (not the cheerleading Amanda, another one at Michaela's age) and Jacob. The kids rode on my back and we played ball games.
Yesterday, I had my appointment with the counsellor. I had to pick my classes and I got my schedule and my locker. My classes for first semester are U.S. History, CP Chemistry, Drawing, Drafting (some kind of technical drawing I believe), Pre Calculus (that's a math class) and Writing Workshop (an English writing class, my counsellor said it's an easy class but I think that's good to strengthen my English writing skills). My classes for second semester are U.S. History, CP Chemistry, Drawing, Pre Calculus, Composition (a harder English writing class) and Real Life Literature (an English reading class). That's probably going to be a lot of hard work but it's worth it because I think I picked some really good, interesting and useful classes.
My locker is upstairs and so are half of my classes in first semester. After the appointment with the counsellor we walked around the school to 'train' my daily walk through the school (from my locker to my classes, back to my locker every now and then and to the cafeteria for lunch). I have A lunch which is the first lunch, it's in the beginning of 4th hour. That's pretty sweet, Courtney had bad luck about that - she's in D lunch and so she won't get to eat her lunch until 12.15 or something. That is hard.
When we (Sheila, Courtney, Grayson and I - the other 2 kids were at school) left L'Anse Creuse High School, we went to a huge fruit market a little out of town and bought many many yummy kinds of fruit there. After that, we went to Mc Donald's for lunch. Then we went to Macomb Mall which was right opposite the Mc Donald's and there we went to DEB.
That store is just AMAZING.
While Courtney looked for homecoming dresses, I looked for shirts and shorts (I found out that I didn't really have enough compared to the other kids). They had so cute things there at such low prices!
I got 4 shirts (1 blue and very long shirt, 1 violet shirt, 1 brown shirt and 1 neat black shirt for church) and 2 pairs of shorts (1 pair of jeans shorts and 1 pair of neat white/brown/black shorts that I can also wear for church) for less than 50$! In Germany, I would have gotten like 1 pairs of jeans and 1 shirt for that money. Well, and maybe a pair of earrings.
I was very happy after that and I'm pretty sure I can wear these shirts for school because I had Sheila helping me choose them and I had told her that they're for school in advance.
In the afternoon, there was a Freshmen's football game at LCHS that Courtney cheered for so we all went there (my hostdad Doug joined us later when he came home from work). It was incredibly hot yesterday but it was still fun to watch the game. Of course, the L'Ance Creuse Lancers won (14:0)!!
After I had written my blog entry on Tuesday, Courtney came back home (she brought her cheerleading friend Amanda) and a little later Sheila and we, the kids, went to friends of the family. They have a pool and a lot of people were already there, most of them smaller kids. We had a fun afternoon there eating hot dogs and other yummy snacks and swimming/playing in the pool. I had a lot of fun with Michaela, her friend Amanda (not the cheerleading Amanda, another one at Michaela's age) and Jacob. The kids rode on my back and we played ball games.
Yesterday, I had my appointment with the counsellor. I had to pick my classes and I got my schedule and my locker. My classes for first semester are U.S. History, CP Chemistry, Drawing, Drafting (some kind of technical drawing I believe), Pre Calculus (that's a math class) and Writing Workshop (an English writing class, my counsellor said it's an easy class but I think that's good to strengthen my English writing skills). My classes for second semester are U.S. History, CP Chemistry, Drawing, Pre Calculus, Composition (a harder English writing class) and Real Life Literature (an English reading class). That's probably going to be a lot of hard work but it's worth it because I think I picked some really good, interesting and useful classes.
My locker is upstairs and so are half of my classes in first semester. After the appointment with the counsellor we walked around the school to 'train' my daily walk through the school (from my locker to my classes, back to my locker every now and then and to the cafeteria for lunch). I have A lunch which is the first lunch, it's in the beginning of 4th hour. That's pretty sweet, Courtney had bad luck about that - she's in D lunch and so she won't get to eat her lunch until 12.15 or something. That is hard.
When we (Sheila, Courtney, Grayson and I - the other 2 kids were at school) left L'Anse Creuse High School, we went to a huge fruit market a little out of town and bought many many yummy kinds of fruit there. After that, we went to Mc Donald's for lunch. Then we went to Macomb Mall which was right opposite the Mc Donald's and there we went to DEB.
That store is just AMAZING.
While Courtney looked for homecoming dresses, I looked for shirts and shorts (I found out that I didn't really have enough compared to the other kids). They had so cute things there at such low prices!
I got 4 shirts (1 blue and very long shirt, 1 violet shirt, 1 brown shirt and 1 neat black shirt for church) and 2 pairs of shorts (1 pair of jeans shorts and 1 pair of neat white/brown/black shorts that I can also wear for church) for less than 50$! In Germany, I would have gotten like 1 pairs of jeans and 1 shirt for that money. Well, and maybe a pair of earrings.
I was very happy after that and I'm pretty sure I can wear these shirts for school because I had Sheila helping me choose them and I had told her that they're for school in advance.
In the afternoon, there was a Freshmen's football game at LCHS that Courtney cheered for so we all went there (my hostdad Doug joined us later when he came home from work). It was incredibly hot yesterday but it was still fun to watch the game. Of course, the L'Ance Creuse Lancers won (14:0)!!

Last night, we had a little thunderstorm again and I called Christian for the first time while I'm in the U.S.! I'm pretty happy at the moment already because everything's so awesome here but it made me even happier to hear his voice again and to hear that he feels good, too.
Today Courtney and I slept in and when we got up, everyone was gone (Doug was at work, Michaela and Jacob were at school and Grayson had his first day in kindergarten... Sheila went shopping I think). So we watched TV for a while and had some fruits for breakfast and a little later we went to Metro Park by bike.
The park is at Lake St. Clair which is a beautiful lake. We first had something for lunch there (we shared a hot dog and a pretzel) and then we went mini golfing. We cheated a lot but that was fun! ;)

We didn't finish the course because at some point there were so many people before us and we had to wait very long at every hole. We went back to Harrison Township and to a really cool ice-cream place (I think the name was 'Frosty Boy').
Shortly after we had arrived back home Sheila came home from her shopping. We helped her unload the car. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV, preparing salad and beans for dinner, reading and stuff like that.
I think we'll soon have dinner. Tomorrow, I'll have to get up early.
We're going up north!
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