
One Month, one Day.

That's how long I've been here now...

I noticed that last night when I went to bed. I was like: September 24th... hang on...
On one hand, the time raced. I did so many things already but I feel like they all rushed past me so fast. On the other hand, I feel like I've been here for a lot longer than a month already. Because I feel so welcomed with my host family and I already got used to school so much.
It's just weird... I mean, my whole last school year went over like nothing although so many important things happened during that year. It's strange feeling so in between time now. But I'm pretty sure I'm not the only exchange student who feels like this... I mean, you do so many new things, have to get used to so many new details and a whole new everyday life, you have to speak another language the whole time and you basically don't really have a backup of your "old life" that you can use here - you don't bring your friends or your natural family. That's a lot of work for your brain, everyday, so you are often tired, go to bed early, and - rush! - another day's over.
These are just some thoughts I had. Pretty neutral thoughts, don't think I'm sad about that, I was just wondering about it.
School was good today. We got our Chemistry score for the test (99% - and the highest score in class!!! Oh my god I'm so proud...) and we got our History test back (100%). I talked to the girls during lunch, I didn't get to talk to the marching band teacher (tried to do it in the morning but I didn't have enough time), didn't get to talk to Rob but he waved at me when I breathlessly rushed into the class shortly before the bell rang (kind of stressed by the packed hallways - I had to force my way from Writing Workshop to my locker and then with my Precalc stuff all the way down to that class), talked to Sam in Drawing class (she's the girl sitting to my left) - we complained about those stupid drawing desks that never move if you want them to but always move if you DON'T want them to... Ah, we're still doing shoes, by the way.
Not much homework, well, I should have read my History chapter but since we don't have to (just wanted to do it for some more background information) I had kind of a lack of motivation... cleaned my room, played the piano (I'm actually getting kind of good again!), had dinner, did my chores... oh, and I re-painted my toe nails somewhen during the day.

Really need to get those club-joining things done... how often did I say that already??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey maria ich bins der Lukas...
Ich wollte mich bei dir melden und mich entschuldigen das ich nicht tschüss gesagt hab... ich war voll traurig als ich mitbekommen hab das du weg bist und ich nix gesagt hab... naja ich les so deinen bloq und dir scheint es ja nicht so schlecht zu gehen das freut mich :) wie siehts aus bei dir `? bei mir ist alles im lot im großen und ganzen bin ja nu inner 12.ten und langsam gehts in sachen... hier meine email addy : LukasS.S@gmx.de schreib mir ma bitte (iwas und wenns nur eben hallo is) dann kann ich dir mal ne schöööön lange mail schreiben was hier so los ist :) es klingt verrückt aber ich vermiss dich schon , als gute freundin so mein ich :)naja würd mich freuen wenn ich was höre :-* hab dich wirklich lieb pass auf dich auf.
