
Life Goes On

Once again, I'm very tired.

So, our one week of break was pretty cool. I mean, Courtney and I both had a lot of make-up work to do from the days that we missed in school while we were in Florida, but there was still enough time for some relaxing, and Pilates. Unfortunately, there wasn't really anything else going on - Heather didn't have her car because it needed new license plates, so I didn't go out with her, Kyle and Amy, and Gary went to Ohio from Wednesday to Friday with Justin and Autumn and family members. But on Friday night, we went to Autumn's house - to watch the Degrassi movie - and so I got to see Gary, Autumn, Eric, Alex and Justin. It was pretty awesome. It always is. Autumn showed me her dress for prom - it is soooo beautiful. I like it a lot. Autumn says she's gonna marry it because she loves it so much.
Another thing that happened over break - I am definitely going to prom now :) Kyle will be my date (in a friendship kinda way) and I am reaaaaally excited now because I get to buy a pretty DRESS :) We're going dress shopping on Sunday, Sheila, Courtney, Grandma Tina and I. Grandma needs a dress for a wedding, I need one for prom.
This week has been pretty crazy so far. We've had play rehearsals every day until at least 4, so we get home late, do our homework and chores, eat dinner, finish our homework, and then we basically go to bed. Luckily, I got most of my homework done in school today, which is why I'm able to write in my blog again finally.
Today's Autumn's birthday. I got her a card and 2 pounds of Twizzlers (she loves them) and had Gary give it to her during lunch because I never see her during the day. According to him, she liked them. Her birthday party's going to be on Saturday, sleep-over... And the chances are really good that I will be able to go.
Another pretty awesome thing that happened today is that Mr Curtis got me coffee :) I come into 3rd hour today, totally tired, and as I sit down in my seat right in front of his desk, I can smell that he just got fresh coffee. So I say "That is really mean Mr Curtis... I'm very tired and I really really want a coffee right now... and I can smell yours." and he says "Yes I actually just got new coffee." Typical-Mr-Curtis-grin. Then he asks "Cream and sugar?" "No, black." "That must be a European thing. Isn't it? I heard they all drink their coffee black over there." "Umm... I don't know." "I know the Italians do..." well, and that's how our little coffee conversation pretty much came to an end.Then, 1.5 hours later, I'm sitting in B-lunch and at the end of B-lunch, Mr Curtis walks into the cafeteria, comes up to our table, sets a cup of coffee down in front of me and walks away with his Mr-Curtis-grin. You have no idea how happy I was.
So now, I officially love him. Veeery much.
In a week from tomorrow will be the opening night of our play. Scary. Rehearsals are a lot of fun though. They're at JAPAC now, the entire time. And I got some of my costumes now.

Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
(An amazing statement that I read on Adam's shirt today.)

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