
Painting Gary's Door

One good advice for life: NEVER prank-call Justin.

So, Friday night, I was at Gary's house. Why? THE EVENT OF THE MONTH: Justin painted his door. That plan was made a couple weeks ago, and within the last week, Justin had been working on a design in Precalc. It is a big whale that is getting molested by an octopus. Epic, really. Hanging out at Gary's was a lot of fun, like always. Of course, Justin was there, and besides him, Autumn, Eric, and Matt came over. Plus Gary's sisters were around. Claudia made a wristband for me. And other people. I know you're jealous.
The guys had to help clean the pool first for a while (Autumn and I didn't have to, so we stayed inside and ate tacos and twizzlers, and then we went outside to watch them work :P). Then, Justin started painting. They got pizza a little later. Watching Justin paint is hilarious, because of the random comments he throws out into the room ("You know what would be cool? If one of us died, and then we could spread really cool rumors about how that person died in school...").
Later that night, Justin got a prank call. Lesson for life: NEVER PRANK CALL JUSTIN. He's gonna turn it around against you ^^ it was so funny. He probably scared whoever called him. But then they talked for quite a long while, and then one of the person's friends talked to us girls on Autumn's phone (I talked to them in German, which was pretty funny. Eric says it sounds scary when I swear in German.).
I can't really describe these nights I guess because if you haven't been there, you can't even nearly imagine how awesome it is.

Yesterday, I had my YFU re-entry meeting. It was pretty pointless. I didn't like talking about going back, and I don't think any of us did. And most of the time, we didn't really "work", but simply talked about random stuff. I don't need to spend a day with YFU people to do that. Oh well. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though. And I guess they have to try and prepare us for going back. Though I don't think that's even possible. I'm so not gonna be prepared.

I don't even know HOW to prepare...

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