
Last Week Before Finals

Not that it's really gonna be hard or anything...

So, Sunday was okay. First, I got up too early because I didn't know we were going to noon mass. Oh well. So then we went to mass (except for Courtney, she had to babysit), and afterwards mom and Grayson stayed at St. Thecla because Grayson had his basketball practice (he looks so cute in his wayyy over sized shirt ^^). Doug, Jake, Michaela and I went to another Catholic school where Jake had a basketball game. On the way there, we stopped for some food and I finally had my first Tim Horton's coffee! Yum... that's really one of the best coffees I ever had.
I had fun watching Jake's game, mom and Grayson joined us later, too. Edward, the South Korean exchange student friends of Sheila and Doug have right now, was there too and so was Daniella, another South Korean exchange student.
The week didn't start too well because I was already incredibly tired on Monday (I'm always tired, but I usually don't get THAT tired before Wednesday...) and so far, I didn't feel like catching up with my sleep so it gets worse every day.
This week we'll be reviewing in most classes for the finals next week. In Chemistry, Ms Potter gives me time to catch up with the AP stuff so I'll hopefully be able to get into AP for next semester. I showed her the German chemistry curriculum for 11th grade on Monday, and she started laughing and said, "We don't do that in high school. We don't do that until college." Oh well. Guess I'll have to review a lot in summer.
Jazz Band and Drama rehearsal are going on... it's a lot of fun. The play is gonna be awesome. And I get to hang out with Keith more :)
Yesterday was mom's birthday. Courtney and I gave her dark chocolate, tea, a scented candle and a coupon for a night off (meaning we will cook dinner for her and Doug and babysit the kids in the basement all night). She was happy :)
I signed up for a counselor appointment today, but there were so many people on that list that I probably won't get one until the end of the week. Dang it. I really need to figure out the whole stupid schedule thing. I wanna try to have her put me in Precalc 5th Hour, too... I know so many awesome people in there, I don't wanna be in 3rd or 4th like my schedule for 2nd semester says...

Well, I'll figure something out. And my counselor's pretty awesome.

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