

We got a loooot today...

So, we knew a snow storm was coming last night, so we went to church yesterday for the 4 o'clock mass (we weren't the only ones with that bright idea, the church was PACKED). And at night, while we were all watching Hairspray together (awesome movie, go watch it as soon as you get it!), it started snowing.
So now, we have a couple inches snow outside, it was snowing most of the day, and then we got the amazing news after dinner - school's cancelled tomorrow! Yay!

So, you guys... have fun in school and at work tomorrow :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You know, I watched hairspray on Sunday, too! Other than that i really see a lot of similarities between the way things go for you and what I am doin' down here. For instance readin' your blog during drafting class, where - most of the time - there's nothing to do.^^ Ah, and of course Jazz Band - which however is ... yea, far more advanced as how i know jazz band... just like the theater program - dangit! Do they spend those huge amounts of money at your school, too?
But, yea, the weather is different. Which is great though, because you have like a blue sky and sunshine every day, which really supports the all in all mood and experience of... i dunno, the whole time actually. Pretty awesome - i'm gonna miss that.
Well you take care Maria was nice to... read from ya! :)