
Trick or Treat!

What a fun holiday! Why don't we have that in Germany??

So, on Tuesday was my special rehearsal thingy. We went to that dome thing (like these huge tent like things where concerts take place in because of the good sound in there) which was fun but the rehearsal was kind of hard because for the first time since I joined the band, we all screwed up during the ballet. It was just like, everyone suddenly had a different rythm. I think it was because of all the echoes in the dome, that really confuses.
We got home damn late, I was so tired.
Yesterday was Halloween.
Halloween is my new favourite holiday!! It is so much fun...
In Chemistry, we made slime and a photon show (all freaky and scary and halloweenish) with some little experiments. That was pretty cool.
In the afternoon, Courtney's friends Jessa and Chelsea came over. We got dressed, had dinner and then we left for trick or treating - which is awesome! On Halloween night, all the people have candy in their houses (TONS of candy!!) and some of them sit outside their decorated houses around little fire things, some adults even dress up. Then, kids and teens go around all dressed up with their Halloween bags (or, in our case, pillow cases ^^), go up to the houses, say "Trick or treat!" and get candy.
We 4 girls got sooo much candy... after about 2 hours, when we came back, we each had almost a whole pillow case full of candy. The little kids had had success, too - and now we have 3 huge bowls in the kitchen, all full of candy! Yummy!
Today, I had band practise again. It was earlier than usual because there was this banquet thing for the Seniors at school later, so rehearsal was from 2.45 to 5. Although the sun was shining, it got pretty cold outside again.
Tomorrow is my last band practise... that makes me really said. But I'm also soooooooo excited about State Finals on Saturday!!! It's gonna be huge and just amazing and so much fun. I don't want marching season to end though.
Alright, here are some Halloween pictures... the ones I took from myself aren't really good, that was when we came back... Sheila made some before we left, I'll ask her for them and put them on here, they show my whole costume when it was still in a good shape and not all messed up by the wind ^^

Halloween 07

Good Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo meine süße Maria,

die blutunterlaufenen Augen sehen ja schaurig aus... auch, wenns ursprünglich anders aussah, hat es für Halloween die passende Wirkung, klasse. Auch die Kostüme von Michaela und Grayson sind toll. Die Pumpkins sehen einfach super aus, die habt Ihr wirklich toll hinbekommen. Wie gerne hätte ich die auf unserer Terrasse stehen. Ich mußte auf meine Keramikteile zurückgreifen, sind natürlich mit Euren Kunstwerken nicht zu vergleichen.
