So Thursday was my second band practise. It was better than the first; this time I did bring a sweatshirt and well, everything just went a little smoother already. I got 2 more new parts (aaaah I can't even do the other 2 perfect yet!) and my uniform (I LOVE it... it's just so... I don't know, it just makes me proud to wear it :) ). The next day, I wasn't as tired as after my first band practise which was GOOD because Friday was just... crazy.
At the end of 5th hour, the Pep Assembly started. So I went out to the field with my Precalc class. There, the stands were divided by classes so I sat with the Juniors. To my right, there were Amy and her friend, another band girl who's name I can't remember, and to my left (although she's a Sophomore, but who cares ;) ) sat Katie. The assembly was fun but it was incredibly hot outside, exspecially when you're sitting in the stands with a dark blue marching band show shirt.
After the assembly, I went off campus with Amy, her friend and another guy (is he in band?? I don't know...) named Kyle. I think they said he's a senior. Amy's friend drove. She's so funny, she was on the phone the whole time (she had just gotten it back because somebody stole it from her), calling people and talking to them or leaving random voicemails. Oh, and she tells everybody she loves them. She seems to be a really cool person. First we went to a gas station, then to Amy's friend's house to get her contacts, then through the Mc Donald's drive-in (I got pop and a double cheeseburger), then we dropped Kyle off at his house and then we got back to the school. Before the band met at the band room, I still got some time to refresh myself... you know, re-do my make-up and all that stuff ;) (yeaaa I get the whole American thing).
When the band met, all the other band members got ready for the Homecoming parade. We synth people didn't march in the parade because we had an extra practise with the pit instructor, Laura, during that time. So when everyone was gone, we practised our parts and I talked to Laura about what I should play during the game since not all my parts aren't safe yet. It was no problem, I ended up only having to play the easy accompaniment stuff. I'll practise, and soon I'll be able to play the hard stuff as well.
When the band came back from the parade, we stopped our practise, changed and went into the small gym were dinner was served for the whole marching band. They had so much food there but I didn't eat too much because I was kind of nervous. After dinner, we all had to put our jackets on (I love how they look but it gets DAMN hot in them!) and get some of the instruments to the field already. Then, shortly before the game started (I think at 7... don't ask me who we played against but we ended up losing... not a too big deal, L'Anse Creuse hasn't won a homecoming game in years) the marching part of the band went on the field for the pre-game show and we, the pit, went out on the parking lot to rehearsal. I couldn't practise though because the synth were already out on the field but it was still good to just stay there with the pit, listen to them, thinking over my parts and calm down a little during the first two quarters of the game. Shortly before half-time, we took the remaining instruments over to the field and when half-time began, everything had to go really fast - setting up our instruments in the front of the stands, taking out the notes and - play!
I have to say that I messed up quite a bit but it was okay. They didn't put the synth too loud yet. Oh my god, I'm in the band for only a week and already playing at the homecoming game... no wonder I was so nervous.
The show itself went past so quickly. A few minutes later we already had to put our stuff back by the fence and meet with the rest of the band and Mr Hilton in a corner. He briefly commented the show, then we had to remain quiet and listen to the homecoming announcements. After that, we as the pit had to get all our stuff back to the band room and then we all had 3rd quarter to ourselves and could go get some WATER (oh my god it was lovely! We weren't allowed to take off our jackets the whole time...)... during 4th quarter, we had to sit in the stands, the people with portable instruments played every now and then to support the team and in the end, we had to stand up and remain standing until some pictures were taken and everything... after that, the whole band marched out of the field together (marching is fun!).
Tidying up the band room and the uniforms and everything was kind of a chaos and Mr Hilton got a little mad about some uniforms hung up incorrectly and some band members leaving before we were dismissed. We were finally dismissed around 10.20 and I still had to go up to my locker and get my stuff so Sheila, her mom Tina (yaay got her name again ^^ well I'm learning...) and Courtney had to wait for a pretty long time... I felt so sorry for them but if I leave before the band's dismissed, I lose credit for my band class.
Finally getting home was releaving although I had had so much fun the whole day. But it's still kind of weird to not get home from 6.30 am to around 11 pm.
Yesterday was the day of the homecoming dance! I got up at around 9 o'clock or so. After a shower and breakfast, Sheila drove Courtney and me to a place where we got our hair done. Pretty many people were there already but we only had to wait for about 20 minutes or so until they started doing our hair. The girl who did my hair was really nice, her name's Nicki and she did such a good job. When my hair was almost done (I got it curled and up with some curles out and a little pushed up on top... well, look at the pictures!) Sheila surprised me by coming by and telling me I could also get my make-up done, she'd pay for both Courtney's and my make-up. I just LOVE her :) she's so awesome... So I got my make-up done as well ;) Nicki found the perfect eyeshadow color without even knowing what my dress looks like and I loved what she did with my eyes. It looked incredible.
When I was done, they were still doing Courtney's hair... She didn't have that much luck with the girl who made hers, she messed it up first and didn't understand want Courtney wanted... So Sheila and I went over to Taco Bell down the street to get some tacos and burritos and ate in the car. After that we went back in and waited until Courtney was done. She had her hair curled and mostly open, it looked really pretty. Her make-up was really cute, too and went perfectly with her dress.
When we got home, we got less than 2 hours left so we hurried a little painting our toenails and putting our fake fingernails on. Then we got dressed and Sheila took pictures of us outside. After that, we had to leave.
I was the first one to be dropped off at Chelsea's house. She's in band as well. I met the two Katies and Britney at her house and another girl who's name is Mary and who's really nice as well. Our parents took so many pictures! It was fun, they were all soooo pretty! A little later, Chelsea's mom took us to Red Robin at Macomb Mall. While we went there, she spent the time at the mall. Red Robin was packed and we had to wait for about half an hour to get a table but that was okay. The dinner was really good, I had a bacon cheeseburger with fries and some pop. When we were done, Chelsea's mom took us from Red Robin to L'Anse Creuse.
The dance was so much fun! In the beginning, hardly anyone danced. Well, the music wasn't perfect but they did have a couple of really good songs every now and then and the other songs were okay as well. It didn't take too long until almost everybody was dancing. I met Rob, too and we danced together a lot. It got really hot in the gym soon with all these people in there so I kept going to the air conditioned pool area (just a hallway) or to the common area where you could get something to drink with the girls and other band people or with Rob. Since the other girls all had their cameras with them, we also took a lot of photos. I'll hopefully get some of them soon, Katie said she'd send me some if I give her my email adress. I didn't really want to go home when the dance was over, it was such a fun night.
Today was a really relaxed Sunday. Except for Doug, we didn't go to church this time. After having taken a shower and eaten breakfast, I did my homework. In the afternoon, Grandma Tina and Sheila's friend and her 2 daugthers who have lived in Stuttgart for 3 years and just got back came over and we celebrated my birthday in advance a little because on Wednesday, I won't be home all day (band festival in... I forgot where but I won't come home until 10 or 10.30 pm). We had snacks, burgers and later we had chocolate cake with ice-cream :) I also got some presents, a DEB gift card from Tina, an American Eagle gift card from Sheila's friend, a blanket and letter paper from the Priemers (and the dress, of course!!) and some candy from Jacob. I am soooo happy now :) This was such an amazing weekend...
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Homecoming 07 |
And right NOW I'm finally getting tired which I haven't been all weekend! ;)
wooooow du siehst soo wunderschön auf den bildern aus=)Ich hab dich echt nicht erkannt^^ sowas von anders aber haben die echt super hinbekommen und du hast das kleid ect. super ausgesucht nur schade das ich bei der shoppingtour nich dabei war xDD
lieb dich ganz doll süße u vermiss dich :-* deine Omiiii =)
Hallo Maria,
ich bin sprachlos, Du siehst sooooo toll aus!!! Alles passte super, die Haare, das Make up, das Kleid, der Schmuck, einfach perfekt. Und die Uniform der Band steht Dir auch echt gut. Freue mich sehr, daß "Homecoming" so schön für Dich war. Hab mich doll gefreut über die Fotos und den Bericht. Oma wird staunen, wenn ich ihr die Bilder zeige.
Alles Liebe Elvi
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