I know I've been a bad girl and haven't written in a while... :P I apologize...
Well, I can only say "What a week!" again I guess.
On that Sunday that I wrote the last entry, Sheila, Courtney and I went up to Rite Ate later that night to get Halloween costumes for Courtney and me. I got this supercool vampire costum :P (a black dress with a shiny, red neck-thing and a red belt and a red necklace-thingy) and black net tights, vampire make-up, vampire teeth, a black wig (looong and curly...), and a halloween set including a tattoo, bright red nailpolish and amazing red fake eyelashes... they're shiny! :)
Courtney's going to be a vampire, too, but her costume is rather black and pink/purple.
I don't think anything special happened on Monday... and if it did, I don't remember.
On Tuesday, I had band practise like usually. Again, it was really freezing.
Wednesday, we had practice again - yea, last week was really a band week. Wednesday's practice started an hour later though so we had some time to get our homework done.
On Thursday, I hung out with Rob after school. We went to Mc Donald's and did some Precalc stuff together, and he bought me a coffee :) Sheila picked me up when she came back from getting the kids and back home, I already had to get ready for band practice again. This night, I actually wasn't freezing - Rob had given me his awesome, comfy and warm Tony Hawk hoodie so that I'm not that cold during practice :) and it worked! I really smelled like a guy though because of his cologne :P
On Friday, we had a Pep Assembly for the Performing Arts section of our school in 3rd hour. Because the marching band performed during this assembly, we had to be at the band room in the beginning of 2nd hour. We set up our stuff in the gym, the choir and show choir warmed up, we warmed up and then the whole school entered the gym and got seated in the beginning of 3rd hour. I saw Rob - he shouted my name, waved and blew me kisses to get my attention ^^
Our performance went good. We performed standing because the gym is just too small for marching. Well, I don't march anyways so it didn't change anything for me.
After the assembly, things were a little crazy. Since I have A lunch which is after 3rd hour, I and the other A lunch people were dismissed immediately and didn't have to put the stuff back but I still had to get my purse out of the band room and that took me a while. So for us band people, there wasn't much time left for eating... but oh well, it was fun though.
After school, I hung out with Rob again. We went to McDonald's, I got my coffee again :) and we just talked. I walked home later... bad idea, I didn't realize the walk would be that long and at some points I thought I was lost. I made it though, and it wasn't too bad. I need to walk more, anyways... you really don't do that here too often. People couldn't live without their cars here.
Friday night, I went to the movies with Rob. We wanted to watch Saw 4 but since Rob isn't 17 yet, we couldn't get in and so we randomly picked a movie because we didn't know the other movies on the list. So we ended up watching "Dan in Real Life" - that movie's hilarious! I laughed so hard at some points.
Saturday was a full band day again. In the morning, around 9.10, Gary gave me a ride up to L'Anse Creuse North. I have no idea why we practised there but oh well. Gary said he had to go there anyways. He's often giving me rides home from band now. Actually, after all band practices. I like the music he listens to in his car. And he still reminds me so much of A.J.... but I don't think he's as musical as A.J.. He said he can't play the guitar. Well, would've been scary if he was an amazing guitar and piano player, too - I would've felt tricked by someone :D (A.J., come out of your disguise...)
Well, so we practised pretty much all day... fortunately, the pit practised inside first - it was rainy and windy and cold outside. Then we had lunch, and after that we all rehearsed together on the field. It was ridiculous for us synth people - we set the sound stuff up, played 1 or 2 songs, then it started raining again so we had to unplug and cover everything really fast until it stopped and we had to set up again...
After loading, we had dinner, got dressed and departed around 6pm I believe. Well, it was probably later. We had to go back to L'Anse Creuse first because people had forgotten things the day before... that took us some time and so when we arrived at Lakeland Highschool in Huron Valley, we didn't have too much time to unload and warm-up.
I think our show went really good. Of course, there're still mistakes we have to fix but I enjoyed it so much and was so calm and not scared at all this time. I did good, I'm almost satisfied with myself. After our performance, we had to go back to the truck really fast, load really fast and immediately get back to the field for the awards (we had been... I think the second last band to play).
Again, we got second place, and again, we were beaten by Waldlake Central. They're really good, I didn't see their show this time but I saw it on other competitions. They only beat us by a few points, so we're still really really good. And we got an amazing compliment from one of the judges - he said that we're one of the elite bands in the state of Michigan. That really makes me proud... I mean, that I'm actually involved in something huge and amazing like this!
When I got home, it was past 1 and I was so tired.
I didn't really sleep in on Sunday though because I wanted to go to church. I went there with Sheila and Michaela and later we went shopping, kind of spontaneously. Sheila wanted to go to the Flower Factory (kind of like the German Hornbach, but even bigger and you can get even more there... pretty much everything, I'd say) and she said we could look for some warmer clothes for me, too.
I found a lot at DEB again - I just love this store! -:
-grey sweatpants with 2 little strawberries on them (in the US, you HAVE to have sweatpants!)
-a cream-white, warm long-sleeve shirt with such a really cool, wide turtleneck that kind of falls down casually
-a dark grey, short-sleeved kind of knitted shirt with that same kind of turtleneck... it's really warm
-a darkgreenish, warm long-sleeve shirt
-a beige long-sleeve shirt in a 2-layers-look
-a brown, kinda striped long-sleeve shirt with two cute white buttons in the front
-2 tops to wear under things, one black and one beige
I'm happy now :) I love these clothes... and almost all of them were on sale, and additionally the whole store was "buy 1 get 1 half off", AND I still had the giftcard I got from Grandma Tina for my birthday.
Last night, I talked to Christian on the phone for more than an hour... we had to figure out some things but it's alright now :) I'm so happy that we understand each other that well and that we really seem to always think the same.
Today, I was INCREDIBLY tired at school. I slept almost all my 1st hour, I just couldn't help it. It was just review anyways. In my other classes, I found ways to keep me awake... in Precalc, I started writing random things around my notes just to have something to do while Mr Curtis was explaining. It ended up becoming a really weird and crazy notes paper :D It got like lyrics and little drawings all over it, and it says STAY AWAKE all over the paper...
After school, I stayed to do some pumkin carving with the German Club. It was fun, I was in a group with Jeannine (she's in pit, she's such a nice person! I like talking to her) and Kiona (she's also in pit and I love her craziness :) ) and a friend of Kiona. My first carved pumkin ever actually turned out pretty cute :) I like it. Kiona took it home because I walked home and I didn't want to carry a heavy pumkin all the way...
At home, we also carved pumpkins tonight. Every child did a pumpkin and Sheila and Doug helped. I love all the pumpkins :) Grayson did a bat pumpkin, Michaela did a witch pumpkin, Courtney did a skull design that I invented for her :P, I don't know what Jake ended up doing with his pumpkin and I did a pumpkin with many little symbols on it... gravestones, a witch on a broom, a cat, a ghost, a moon, a winter tree, a bat and the words "Happy Halloween". It looks so cool with a candle in it! I'll take pictures of all the pumpkins somewhen this week and put them online... my camera unfortunately was empty when I wanted to photograph the pumpkins.
Chemistry quiz tomorrow and a special band rehearsal in Oakland Valley or something like that... I should go to bed!
Happy Halloween!
What a Weekend... How Often Do I Say That??
I was right, I AM tired today...
So, on Friday was the last varsity football game. I had to be at the school at 1 pm and then we practised until 4. It was reaaaally windy outside, it was even kind of scary sometimes. At 4, band kids from the middle school, L'Anse Creuse South which is directly next to L'Anse Creuse, came over because our marching band was supposed to teach them some pregame stuff. At 4.45, we were done with that, got dinner, and then we had to get ready for the game.
During the first half, when the pit warmed up in the parking lot but Tre, Hayden, Jared and I couldn't warm up because our instruments were already at the field, I watched the clock with the guys so we could tell the pit when they had to get to the field. That was kinda boring, and cold.
Our show went good and it was fun :) But it was also kind of sad because they introduced the Senior band members because it was their last football game in high school marching band and that made me think of the fact that it was actually MY last football game in band... that's frickin sad! It was only my 2nd one...
After we had put all our stuff back into the band room, we went to the concession stands and there I met Rob. He bought me a hot chocolate because I was so cold :) That was sooooo awesome, it probably saved my life ^^
When Sheila wanted to come pick me up when we were done, she hit Doug's truck in the driveway so she couldn't come. Fortunately, I found Gary and he gave me a ride home again.
Yesterday, we had two competitions. We had to be at the school for rehearsal at 8am and practised until 10. Then we loaded the trucks, ate, dressed and at 11, we left for the first competition in West Bloomfield. There, we only had a couple of minutes to warm-up, then we ran our show and had to load again immediately. After that, we left for Clarkston.
At Clarkston High School (a HUGE school!) we had a lot of time to practise. And we got some fruit from the band parents. Our perfomance was at 6pm, and after loading after that, we were finally allowed to go and get food at the concession stands and hang out with ppl. I hung out with Keith and Savanna again and again, it was just so much fun.
We had to be back in the stands for the last two bands because the second to last band was L'Anse Creuse North. At 10, the awards were announced. We got second place again, and we got second place in West Bloomfield as well.
I slept on the whole bus ride back to the school. Scott and his dad took me home and I was home past midnight. I was soooo tired.
Today we went to church, I did my chores and my homework.
Time to relax now :)
So, on Friday was the last varsity football game. I had to be at the school at 1 pm and then we practised until 4. It was reaaaally windy outside, it was even kind of scary sometimes. At 4, band kids from the middle school, L'Anse Creuse South which is directly next to L'Anse Creuse, came over because our marching band was supposed to teach them some pregame stuff. At 4.45, we were done with that, got dinner, and then we had to get ready for the game.
During the first half, when the pit warmed up in the parking lot but Tre, Hayden, Jared and I couldn't warm up because our instruments were already at the field, I watched the clock with the guys so we could tell the pit when they had to get to the field. That was kinda boring, and cold.
Our show went good and it was fun :) But it was also kind of sad because they introduced the Senior band members because it was their last football game in high school marching band and that made me think of the fact that it was actually MY last football game in band... that's frickin sad! It was only my 2nd one...
After we had put all our stuff back into the band room, we went to the concession stands and there I met Rob. He bought me a hot chocolate because I was so cold :) That was sooooo awesome, it probably saved my life ^^
When Sheila wanted to come pick me up when we were done, she hit Doug's truck in the driveway so she couldn't come. Fortunately, I found Gary and he gave me a ride home again.
Yesterday, we had two competitions. We had to be at the school for rehearsal at 8am and practised until 10. Then we loaded the trucks, ate, dressed and at 11, we left for the first competition in West Bloomfield. There, we only had a couple of minutes to warm-up, then we ran our show and had to load again immediately. After that, we left for Clarkston.
At Clarkston High School (a HUGE school!) we had a lot of time to practise. And we got some fruit from the band parents. Our perfomance was at 6pm, and after loading after that, we were finally allowed to go and get food at the concession stands and hang out with ppl. I hung out with Keith and Savanna again and again, it was just so much fun.
We had to be back in the stands for the last two bands because the second to last band was L'Anse Creuse North. At 10, the awards were announced. We got second place again, and we got second place in West Bloomfield as well.
I slept on the whole bus ride back to the school. Scott and his dad took me home and I was home past midnight. I was soooo tired.
Today we went to church, I did my chores and my homework.
Time to relax now :)
Short Week, Ending With a Lot of Band
I like parent conferences.
We didn't have real sunday school on Sunday yet - the Teen Group is new and we still have to find more members because we were only 5 (Courtney and I and 3 boys - I think all Freshmen). It was cool though.
On Tuesday I had band practise like usually. Yesterday I went up to Rite Aid with Sheila after we had dropped Courtney off for her piano lesson because I wanted to print out some photos.
Today we only had a half day in school because of parent conferences, and tomorrow we have the whole day off, I don't really know why but I actually don't care :D it's nice...
In third, and today last, hour Scott gave me his cell number and asked me whether I'd like to hang out before band today. So when I got home, I had some time to eat, check my mail, tidy up my room and get my band stuff together and then Scott and his dad picked me up. We went to Scott's house. First, he tried to teach me how to play Xbox for a little while (I was soooo bad but it was fun) and then we started watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Later, a friend of Scott's (I knooooow her name... just can't remember it right now) who's also in band and lives in his neighborhood called and asked whether we wanted to go up to Subway. So we went there with her which was fun because the two of them are fighting all the time - in a fun way, I think they've known each other for a really long time.
Scott's dad gave him and me a ride to the school for band practise later. Practise was pretty cool today, I wasn't freezing, I did well on my parts... it was fun! After practise, Gary - he's in my Precalc and drafting classes, don't know whether I already wrote about him - who's not in band but always picks up his little sister gave me a ride home. He sooo reminds me of A.J.! He kind of looks like him (well, only a little), got the same kind of humor and as far as I can tell so far, similar attitudes towards things, and he talks EXACTLY the same way A.J. talks. It's scary!
When I came home, I ate something and checked my mail, and I finally met Rob online ^^ (we tried that for a couple of days but somehow, we're never on at the same time and I don't really spend much time on the computer anyways) so I could talk to him on AIM for a while. We're probably going to go to the movies or something on Friday next week. He wanted to hang out tomorrow but tomorrow I have band stuff to do...
I'll have to be at school at 1 pm, then we'll rehearse until 4, from 4 to 4.45 we, the pit, will be with people from the middle school to show them what pit's like, we'll have dinner from 4.45 to 5.30, after that we'll warm-up and then we'll play during the half-time show of the last home football game of our varsity team. So, I'll be home late.
On Saturday, I have to be at the school early again, we won't have much time to practise and load until we leave for the first competition, where we'll warm-up, play our show and reload the trucks immediately after that to go to the second competition that day. The itineray says I'll be home by about 11.30pm. I doubt it, I bet it's going to be way past 12.
I'll be tired on Sunday! That's why I should go get some sleep now...
We didn't have real sunday school on Sunday yet - the Teen Group is new and we still have to find more members because we were only 5 (Courtney and I and 3 boys - I think all Freshmen). It was cool though.
On Tuesday I had band practise like usually. Yesterday I went up to Rite Aid with Sheila after we had dropped Courtney off for her piano lesson because I wanted to print out some photos.
Today we only had a half day in school because of parent conferences, and tomorrow we have the whole day off, I don't really know why but I actually don't care :D it's nice...
In third, and today last, hour Scott gave me his cell number and asked me whether I'd like to hang out before band today. So when I got home, I had some time to eat, check my mail, tidy up my room and get my band stuff together and then Scott and his dad picked me up. We went to Scott's house. First, he tried to teach me how to play Xbox for a little while (I was soooo bad but it was fun) and then we started watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Later, a friend of Scott's (I knooooow her name... just can't remember it right now) who's also in band and lives in his neighborhood called and asked whether we wanted to go up to Subway. So we went there with her which was fun because the two of them are fighting all the time - in a fun way, I think they've known each other for a really long time.
Scott's dad gave him and me a ride to the school for band practise later. Practise was pretty cool today, I wasn't freezing, I did well on my parts... it was fun! After practise, Gary - he's in my Precalc and drafting classes, don't know whether I already wrote about him - who's not in band but always picks up his little sister gave me a ride home. He sooo reminds me of A.J.! He kind of looks like him (well, only a little), got the same kind of humor and as far as I can tell so far, similar attitudes towards things, and he talks EXACTLY the same way A.J. talks. It's scary!
When I came home, I ate something and checked my mail, and I finally met Rob online ^^ (we tried that for a couple of days but somehow, we're never on at the same time and I don't really spend much time on the computer anyways) so I could talk to him on AIM for a while. We're probably going to go to the movies or something on Friday next week. He wanted to hang out tomorrow but tomorrow I have band stuff to do...
I'll have to be at school at 1 pm, then we'll rehearse until 4, from 4 to 4.45 we, the pit, will be with people from the middle school to show them what pit's like, we'll have dinner from 4.45 to 5.30, after that we'll warm-up and then we'll play during the half-time show of the last home football game of our varsity team. So, I'll be home late.
On Saturday, I have to be at the school early again, we won't have much time to practise and load until we leave for the first competition, where we'll warm-up, play our show and reload the trucks immediately after that to go to the second competition that day. The itineray says I'll be home by about 11.30pm. I doubt it, I bet it's going to be way past 12.
I'll be tired on Sunday! That's why I should go get some sleep now...
Today's relaxing :) that's nice...
During 10-o'clock mass, Courtney and I helped out in the nursery school today. It was fun, we had a lot of volunteer helpers and all these cute little kids, and we were playing with them and helping them do different projects. Since today's mass was about people who help you, like family, we did projects connected to that topic. The kids could do a worksheet, make a little angel, make "God's helping hands" (they copied their hands onto a paper, cut them out and glued them onto a long piece of paper so you can hug people with it) or make a little collage of their own family.
When we got home, I did my chores and tidied up my room. It's nice that I did my homework on Friday already so I don't have to deal with that today. It feels so good to actually relax after this busy week :)
I'm still a little tired but, oh well, that's okay. Tonight, Courtney and I will go to mass and afterwards we have Sunday school (meeting of the church's teen group).
During 10-o'clock mass, Courtney and I helped out in the nursery school today. It was fun, we had a lot of volunteer helpers and all these cute little kids, and we were playing with them and helping them do different projects. Since today's mass was about people who help you, like family, we did projects connected to that topic. The kids could do a worksheet, make a little angel, make "God's helping hands" (they copied their hands onto a paper, cut them out and glued them onto a long piece of paper so you can hug people with it) or make a little collage of their own family.
When we got home, I did my chores and tidied up my room. It's nice that I did my homework on Friday already so I don't have to deal with that today. It feels so good to actually relax after this busy week :)
I'm still a little tired but, oh well, that's okay. Tonight, Courtney and I will go to mass and afterwards we have Sunday school (meeting of the church's teen group).
Band, Band, Band
Okay, so here's the next try...
This week was crazy. I'm really tired and exhausted now, but still happy. I had a lot of fun.
Monday was a rather calm day. Homework, chores... the usual stuff.
On Tuesday, I had band practise again. It was okay and since I got all my homework done before practise, I didn't go to bed too late. I also got a package on Tuesday, from my mom! She had sent me my birthday present :) (a reaaaaaally really cute watch by Fossil - it's like a metal chain with tiny little flip flops on it and the watch of course), some German chocolate and gummy bears for everyone and some little things for the kids and Sheila and Doug. My brother and Jochen had sent me guitar chords and tabs - I really want to try them and start playing guitar a little more again but I guess I'll have to wait until the marching season is over for that.
Still, I overslept a little on Wednesday and so I had to hurry in the morning. That made me actually forget that it was my 17th birthday at first - it came back to my mind when Sheila congratulated me. School was okay but I was tired and it was hard to stay awake in some classes. After school, I had to stay because we went to the MSBOA (Michigan School Band & Orchestra Association) festival in at Sterling Heights High School. I had about 25 minutes to get my school stuff in my locker, go party and co., get my band stuff and go back down to the band room. Then, our 3 hour rehearsal started. After that, we loaded our equipment on the band truck. Since the pit equipment is hardest to fit into the truck, this is the most work for the pit people. When we were finally done, we only had about 15 minutes left to eat and get dressed. After that, we got on the buses (I'm on bus 4, the bus for the pit people and the battery) and left for Sterling Heights. The ride took about half an hour. When we got there, it was dark already. We unloaded the truck and seperated into the different sections to warm-up. After about half an hour or so, we had to take our stuff to the field and then we played our whole show ("Circles in Time" - I actually found a video of our show on youtube.com which was made in September, so I'm not in the band on it yet and actually, there have been a few changes in the show since then - they added something in the end which you can't see on that video yet - but oh well, just so you get an idea of what we're doing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjW1xcpWys). I was nervous since it was my first show except those two short songs at the homecoming game. But I did good.
After the show, we brought our stuff back to the truck, loaded it again and then it was already time to leave again. We got a first place but it wasn't a real competition.
I arrived home past 11pm. Katie and her sister gave me a ride. I was so glad I didn't have any homework to do anymore and didn't do much else than just falling into my bed and SLEEP.
Still, I was reaaaally tired the next morning. I didn't oversleep again, but this time I actually did fall asleep in some classes. Well, it didn't matter, other band members did, too and I only fell asleep when there was nothing to do for the moment and woke up just in time. So that didn't get me into trouble.
When I got home, I started my homework but then my dad called to congratulate me for my birthday and after that, Chrissi called (that made me soooo incredibly happy! I so didn't expect her to call and so I was totally surprised and excited when it was her on the phone). It felt soooo good to talk to her :) I really miss her a lot. Oh my god, I think although I'm having such a great time here, I'm missing a lot back in Germany... she kind of had to update me on several things ^^ And I had some real "WHAT??????" moments on the phone :D
I had to finish our phone call when I had to leave for band practise. This practise was not very much fun because it was incredibly cold outside and although I was wearing 4 thick layers of clothes I was freezing after the 1st hour and we still had 3 hours to go. When the pit went out to the parking lot for a little more than the last hour to play with the band (we couldn't play on the field, there was a Freshmen football game going on that Courtney actually cheered for), it was even worse, because there was wind on the parking lot. I kept jumping and moving to get myself warm again but it didn't really help. At least I wasn't alone, the other pit people were freezing as much as me so it was some kind of shared pain.
This was the first time that I was really really seriously GLAD that practise was over and I could go to my nice and warm home. The disadvantage of going home was that I still had to do a lot of homework since I had spend the 2 hours before practise on the phone. So I put on my pyjamas, sat on my bed, put all my blankets around me and did my homework, eating gooood German chocolate :)
Being in school on Friday was crazy again. I didn't feel as tired as on Thursday but I still fell asleep a couple of times. In the afternoon, I actually had TIME. Time for my homework, time for doing my chores, time for finally (!) tidying up my room after this busy week and time for answering all my birthday mails. Sheila and Doug left in the morning, they are gone this weekend and Courtney, Grandma Tina and I are watching the little ones.
I didn't go to bed as early as I had planned to... well, and today I had to get up early again because there was a marching band competition in Plymouth. Katie and her dad picked me up at about 7.40 am (I got up at 6.15 ... on a Saturday! Oh boy...) and rehearsal began at 8. Like always, we first rehearsed in the sections and then we went onto the field to practise together. It was really cold this morning again but this time I had put on as many layers of clothes as possible: nylons, a panty hose, jeans and two pairs of socks to warm my legs and feet and 3 tops, a long-sleeve shirt, a tight sweater, my band shirt, a sweat-jacket AND Courtney's thick, huge Michigan State sweatshirt to warm the rest of my body. I also took gloves and a scarf. I didn't use the scarf but the gloves were really nice. I didn't get too cold this time and actually, the sun was shining the whole day which made the temperatures higher later.
At 12, we started loading the trucks. When we were done, we unfortunately only had 6 minutes left to get on the buses, so we pit people just ran back to the band room, changed, and then we had to eat most of our lunch on the buses. Well, but that was okay, the busride was almost an hour I think.
At the high school in Plymouth were the competition took place, we had to unload the truck first like usually, then, like usually, we separated into the sections to practise and a little less than an hour later we had to get out on the field. The show went better then Wednesday I believe - on Wednesday we had some technical issues and we played on real grass so many people tripped and stuff. So that was a lot better today.
After our show, we loaded our stuff back on the truck, then I headed for a bathroom with Savanna (I really have no idea if that's how you spell her name?? It's a really beautiful name though.) and Sarah, two other pit girls. After that, we got in line at the concession stands to get some food. I got a pizza slice. Then I hung out with Savanna (?), Sarah and Keith, who we had met at the stand, most of the time. It was so much fun. Later, we had to go to the stands. We watched the last performances and then the judges announced the scores.
We got 2nd place in our category and the award for best marching. The first thing is okay but still you could notice that the band was a little disappointed. Yesterday, they got 1st place at all competitions and 3rd place at the Michigan State Finals. The second thing, the award for best marching, surprised everyone of us - Mr Hilton is always complaining about the marching so much! That's his main point of criticism.
It was a really nice and fun day. We went back to L'Ance Creuse, changed, unloaded the truck and then waited for our dismissal. Mr Hilton didn't seem mad or anything (he was mad on Wednesday because of the things that went wrong), he just told us that this 2nd place should make us think about it and work harder and he said that he was also really surprised about the award for best marching but that we could be proud of that. Then he dismissed us and I went home - with Katie again, her mom and her dropped me off.
I took some of my clothes-layers off, ate a double cheeseburger and some fries that Grandma Tina and the kids had brought for me when they went to McDonald's tonight, and now I'm typing this here.
Tomorrow during 10-o'clock mass, Courtney and I will do the nursery school at church. We go to the church again at 6.30 for the night mass and I think we have a meeting of the church's teen group after that. Well, I won't have to get up too early tomorrow which is goooood.
I really want to sleep!
This week was crazy. I'm really tired and exhausted now, but still happy. I had a lot of fun.
Monday was a rather calm day. Homework, chores... the usual stuff.
On Tuesday, I had band practise again. It was okay and since I got all my homework done before practise, I didn't go to bed too late. I also got a package on Tuesday, from my mom! She had sent me my birthday present :) (a reaaaaaally really cute watch by Fossil - it's like a metal chain with tiny little flip flops on it and the watch of course), some German chocolate and gummy bears for everyone and some little things for the kids and Sheila and Doug. My brother and Jochen had sent me guitar chords and tabs - I really want to try them and start playing guitar a little more again but I guess I'll have to wait until the marching season is over for that.
Still, I overslept a little on Wednesday and so I had to hurry in the morning. That made me actually forget that it was my 17th birthday at first - it came back to my mind when Sheila congratulated me. School was okay but I was tired and it was hard to stay awake in some classes. After school, I had to stay because we went to the MSBOA (Michigan School Band & Orchestra Association) festival in at Sterling Heights High School. I had about 25 minutes to get my school stuff in my locker, go party and co., get my band stuff and go back down to the band room. Then, our 3 hour rehearsal started. After that, we loaded our equipment on the band truck. Since the pit equipment is hardest to fit into the truck, this is the most work for the pit people. When we were finally done, we only had about 15 minutes left to eat and get dressed. After that, we got on the buses (I'm on bus 4, the bus for the pit people and the battery) and left for Sterling Heights. The ride took about half an hour. When we got there, it was dark already. We unloaded the truck and seperated into the different sections to warm-up. After about half an hour or so, we had to take our stuff to the field and then we played our whole show ("Circles in Time" - I actually found a video of our show on youtube.com which was made in September, so I'm not in the band on it yet and actually, there have been a few changes in the show since then - they added something in the end which you can't see on that video yet - but oh well, just so you get an idea of what we're doing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjW1xcpWys). I was nervous since it was my first show except those two short songs at the homecoming game. But I did good.
After the show, we brought our stuff back to the truck, loaded it again and then it was already time to leave again. We got a first place but it wasn't a real competition.
I arrived home past 11pm. Katie and her sister gave me a ride. I was so glad I didn't have any homework to do anymore and didn't do much else than just falling into my bed and SLEEP.
Still, I was reaaaally tired the next morning. I didn't oversleep again, but this time I actually did fall asleep in some classes. Well, it didn't matter, other band members did, too and I only fell asleep when there was nothing to do for the moment and woke up just in time. So that didn't get me into trouble.
When I got home, I started my homework but then my dad called to congratulate me for my birthday and after that, Chrissi called (that made me soooo incredibly happy! I so didn't expect her to call and so I was totally surprised and excited when it was her on the phone). It felt soooo good to talk to her :) I really miss her a lot. Oh my god, I think although I'm having such a great time here, I'm missing a lot back in Germany... she kind of had to update me on several things ^^ And I had some real "WHAT??????" moments on the phone :D
I had to finish our phone call when I had to leave for band practise. This practise was not very much fun because it was incredibly cold outside and although I was wearing 4 thick layers of clothes I was freezing after the 1st hour and we still had 3 hours to go. When the pit went out to the parking lot for a little more than the last hour to play with the band (we couldn't play on the field, there was a Freshmen football game going on that Courtney actually cheered for), it was even worse, because there was wind on the parking lot. I kept jumping and moving to get myself warm again but it didn't really help. At least I wasn't alone, the other pit people were freezing as much as me so it was some kind of shared pain.
This was the first time that I was really really seriously GLAD that practise was over and I could go to my nice and warm home. The disadvantage of going home was that I still had to do a lot of homework since I had spend the 2 hours before practise on the phone. So I put on my pyjamas, sat on my bed, put all my blankets around me and did my homework, eating gooood German chocolate :)
Being in school on Friday was crazy again. I didn't feel as tired as on Thursday but I still fell asleep a couple of times. In the afternoon, I actually had TIME. Time for my homework, time for doing my chores, time for finally (!) tidying up my room after this busy week and time for answering all my birthday mails. Sheila and Doug left in the morning, they are gone this weekend and Courtney, Grandma Tina and I are watching the little ones.
I didn't go to bed as early as I had planned to... well, and today I had to get up early again because there was a marching band competition in Plymouth. Katie and her dad picked me up at about 7.40 am (I got up at 6.15 ... on a Saturday! Oh boy...) and rehearsal began at 8. Like always, we first rehearsed in the sections and then we went onto the field to practise together. It was really cold this morning again but this time I had put on as many layers of clothes as possible: nylons, a panty hose, jeans and two pairs of socks to warm my legs and feet and 3 tops, a long-sleeve shirt, a tight sweater, my band shirt, a sweat-jacket AND Courtney's thick, huge Michigan State sweatshirt to warm the rest of my body. I also took gloves and a scarf. I didn't use the scarf but the gloves were really nice. I didn't get too cold this time and actually, the sun was shining the whole day which made the temperatures higher later.
At 12, we started loading the trucks. When we were done, we unfortunately only had 6 minutes left to get on the buses, so we pit people just ran back to the band room, changed, and then we had to eat most of our lunch on the buses. Well, but that was okay, the busride was almost an hour I think.
At the high school in Plymouth were the competition took place, we had to unload the truck first like usually, then, like usually, we separated into the sections to practise and a little less than an hour later we had to get out on the field. The show went better then Wednesday I believe - on Wednesday we had some technical issues and we played on real grass so many people tripped and stuff. So that was a lot better today.
After our show, we loaded our stuff back on the truck, then I headed for a bathroom with Savanna (I really have no idea if that's how you spell her name?? It's a really beautiful name though.) and Sarah, two other pit girls. After that, we got in line at the concession stands to get some food. I got a pizza slice. Then I hung out with Savanna (?), Sarah and Keith, who we had met at the stand, most of the time. It was so much fun. Later, we had to go to the stands. We watched the last performances and then the judges announced the scores.
We got 2nd place in our category and the award for best marching. The first thing is okay but still you could notice that the band was a little disappointed. Yesterday, they got 1st place at all competitions and 3rd place at the Michigan State Finals. The second thing, the award for best marching, surprised everyone of us - Mr Hilton is always complaining about the marching so much! That's his main point of criticism.
It was a really nice and fun day. We went back to L'Ance Creuse, changed, unloaded the truck and then waited for our dismissal. Mr Hilton didn't seem mad or anything (he was mad on Wednesday because of the things that went wrong), he just told us that this 2nd place should make us think about it and work harder and he said that he was also really surprised about the award for best marching but that we could be proud of that. Then he dismissed us and I went home - with Katie again, her mom and her dropped me off.
I took some of my clothes-layers off, ate a double cheeseburger and some fries that Grandma Tina and the kids had brought for me when they went to McDonald's tonight, and now I'm typing this here.
Tomorrow during 10-o'clock mass, Courtney and I will do the nursery school at church. We go to the church again at 6.30 for the night mass and I think we have a meeting of the church's teen group after that. Well, I won't have to get up too early tomorrow which is goooood.
I really want to sleep!
I seriously just wrote a post about the whole last week and suddenly it was gone.
Sorry, I'm too tired.
I'm gonna rewrite it tomorrow night or on Sunday or so.
Sorry, I'm too tired.
I'm gonna rewrite it tomorrow night or on Sunday or so.
This was one of the BEST weekends ever!!
So Thursday was my second band practise. It was better than the first; this time I did bring a sweatshirt and well, everything just went a little smoother already. I got 2 more new parts (aaaah I can't even do the other 2 perfect yet!) and my uniform (I LOVE it... it's just so... I don't know, it just makes me proud to wear it :) ). The next day, I wasn't as tired as after my first band practise which was GOOD because Friday was just... crazy.
At the end of 5th hour, the Pep Assembly started. So I went out to the field with my Precalc class. There, the stands were divided by classes so I sat with the Juniors. To my right, there were Amy and her friend, another band girl who's name I can't remember, and to my left (although she's a Sophomore, but who cares ;) ) sat Katie. The assembly was fun but it was incredibly hot outside, exspecially when you're sitting in the stands with a dark blue marching band show shirt.
After the assembly, I went off campus with Amy, her friend and another guy (is he in band?? I don't know...) named Kyle. I think they said he's a senior. Amy's friend drove. She's so funny, she was on the phone the whole time (she had just gotten it back because somebody stole it from her), calling people and talking to them or leaving random voicemails. Oh, and she tells everybody she loves them. She seems to be a really cool person. First we went to a gas station, then to Amy's friend's house to get her contacts, then through the Mc Donald's drive-in (I got pop and a double cheeseburger), then we dropped Kyle off at his house and then we got back to the school. Before the band met at the band room, I still got some time to refresh myself... you know, re-do my make-up and all that stuff ;) (yeaaa I get the whole American thing).
When the band met, all the other band members got ready for the Homecoming parade. We synth people didn't march in the parade because we had an extra practise with the pit instructor, Laura, during that time. So when everyone was gone, we practised our parts and I talked to Laura about what I should play during the game since not all my parts aren't safe yet. It was no problem, I ended up only having to play the easy accompaniment stuff. I'll practise, and soon I'll be able to play the hard stuff as well.
When the band came back from the parade, we stopped our practise, changed and went into the small gym were dinner was served for the whole marching band. They had so much food there but I didn't eat too much because I was kind of nervous. After dinner, we all had to put our jackets on (I love how they look but it gets DAMN hot in them!) and get some of the instruments to the field already. Then, shortly before the game started (I think at 7... don't ask me who we played against but we ended up losing... not a too big deal, L'Anse Creuse hasn't won a homecoming game in years) the marching part of the band went on the field for the pre-game show and we, the pit, went out on the parking lot to rehearsal. I couldn't practise though because the synth were already out on the field but it was still good to just stay there with the pit, listen to them, thinking over my parts and calm down a little during the first two quarters of the game. Shortly before half-time, we took the remaining instruments over to the field and when half-time began, everything had to go really fast - setting up our instruments in the front of the stands, taking out the notes and - play!
I have to say that I messed up quite a bit but it was okay. They didn't put the synth too loud yet. Oh my god, I'm in the band for only a week and already playing at the homecoming game... no wonder I was so nervous.
The show itself went past so quickly. A few minutes later we already had to put our stuff back by the fence and meet with the rest of the band and Mr Hilton in a corner. He briefly commented the show, then we had to remain quiet and listen to the homecoming announcements. After that, we as the pit had to get all our stuff back to the band room and then we all had 3rd quarter to ourselves and could go get some WATER (oh my god it was lovely! We weren't allowed to take off our jackets the whole time...)... during 4th quarter, we had to sit in the stands, the people with portable instruments played every now and then to support the team and in the end, we had to stand up and remain standing until some pictures were taken and everything... after that, the whole band marched out of the field together (marching is fun!).
Tidying up the band room and the uniforms and everything was kind of a chaos and Mr Hilton got a little mad about some uniforms hung up incorrectly and some band members leaving before we were dismissed. We were finally dismissed around 10.20 and I still had to go up to my locker and get my stuff so Sheila, her mom Tina (yaay got her name again ^^ well I'm learning...) and Courtney had to wait for a pretty long time... I felt so sorry for them but if I leave before the band's dismissed, I lose credit for my band class.
Finally getting home was releaving although I had had so much fun the whole day. But it's still kind of weird to not get home from 6.30 am to around 11 pm.
Yesterday was the day of the homecoming dance! I got up at around 9 o'clock or so. After a shower and breakfast, Sheila drove Courtney and me to a place where we got our hair done. Pretty many people were there already but we only had to wait for about 20 minutes or so until they started doing our hair. The girl who did my hair was really nice, her name's Nicki and she did such a good job. When my hair was almost done (I got it curled and up with some curles out and a little pushed up on top... well, look at the pictures!) Sheila surprised me by coming by and telling me I could also get my make-up done, she'd pay for both Courtney's and my make-up. I just LOVE her :) she's so awesome... So I got my make-up done as well ;) Nicki found the perfect eyeshadow color without even knowing what my dress looks like and I loved what she did with my eyes. It looked incredible.
When I was done, they were still doing Courtney's hair... She didn't have that much luck with the girl who made hers, she messed it up first and didn't understand want Courtney wanted... So Sheila and I went over to Taco Bell down the street to get some tacos and burritos and ate in the car. After that we went back in and waited until Courtney was done. She had her hair curled and mostly open, it looked really pretty. Her make-up was really cute, too and went perfectly with her dress.
When we got home, we got less than 2 hours left so we hurried a little painting our toenails and putting our fake fingernails on. Then we got dressed and Sheila took pictures of us outside. After that, we had to leave.
I was the first one to be dropped off at Chelsea's house. She's in band as well. I met the two Katies and Britney at her house and another girl who's name is Mary and who's really nice as well. Our parents took so many pictures! It was fun, they were all soooo pretty! A little later, Chelsea's mom took us to Red Robin at Macomb Mall. While we went there, she spent the time at the mall. Red Robin was packed and we had to wait for about half an hour to get a table but that was okay. The dinner was really good, I had a bacon cheeseburger with fries and some pop. When we were done, Chelsea's mom took us from Red Robin to L'Anse Creuse.
The dance was so much fun! In the beginning, hardly anyone danced. Well, the music wasn't perfect but they did have a couple of really good songs every now and then and the other songs were okay as well. It didn't take too long until almost everybody was dancing. I met Rob, too and we danced together a lot. It got really hot in the gym soon with all these people in there so I kept going to the air conditioned pool area (just a hallway) or to the common area where you could get something to drink with the girls and other band people or with Rob. Since the other girls all had their cameras with them, we also took a lot of photos. I'll hopefully get some of them soon, Katie said she'd send me some if I give her my email adress. I didn't really want to go home when the dance was over, it was such a fun night.
Today was a really relaxed Sunday. Except for Doug, we didn't go to church this time. After having taken a shower and eaten breakfast, I did my homework. In the afternoon, Grandma Tina and Sheila's friend and her 2 daugthers who have lived in Stuttgart for 3 years and just got back came over and we celebrated my birthday in advance a little because on Wednesday, I won't be home all day (band festival in... I forgot where but I won't come home until 10 or 10.30 pm). We had snacks, burgers and later we had chocolate cake with ice-cream :) I also got some presents, a DEB gift card from Tina, an American Eagle gift card from Sheila's friend, a blanket and letter paper from the Priemers (and the dress, of course!!) and some candy from Jacob. I am soooo happy now :) This was such an amazing weekend...
And right NOW I'm finally getting tired which I haven't been all weekend! ;)
So Thursday was my second band practise. It was better than the first; this time I did bring a sweatshirt and well, everything just went a little smoother already. I got 2 more new parts (aaaah I can't even do the other 2 perfect yet!) and my uniform (I LOVE it... it's just so... I don't know, it just makes me proud to wear it :) ). The next day, I wasn't as tired as after my first band practise which was GOOD because Friday was just... crazy.
At the end of 5th hour, the Pep Assembly started. So I went out to the field with my Precalc class. There, the stands were divided by classes so I sat with the Juniors. To my right, there were Amy and her friend, another band girl who's name I can't remember, and to my left (although she's a Sophomore, but who cares ;) ) sat Katie. The assembly was fun but it was incredibly hot outside, exspecially when you're sitting in the stands with a dark blue marching band show shirt.
After the assembly, I went off campus with Amy, her friend and another guy (is he in band?? I don't know...) named Kyle. I think they said he's a senior. Amy's friend drove. She's so funny, she was on the phone the whole time (she had just gotten it back because somebody stole it from her), calling people and talking to them or leaving random voicemails. Oh, and she tells everybody she loves them. She seems to be a really cool person. First we went to a gas station, then to Amy's friend's house to get her contacts, then through the Mc Donald's drive-in (I got pop and a double cheeseburger), then we dropped Kyle off at his house and then we got back to the school. Before the band met at the band room, I still got some time to refresh myself... you know, re-do my make-up and all that stuff ;) (yeaaa I get the whole American thing).
When the band met, all the other band members got ready for the Homecoming parade. We synth people didn't march in the parade because we had an extra practise with the pit instructor, Laura, during that time. So when everyone was gone, we practised our parts and I talked to Laura about what I should play during the game since not all my parts aren't safe yet. It was no problem, I ended up only having to play the easy accompaniment stuff. I'll practise, and soon I'll be able to play the hard stuff as well.
When the band came back from the parade, we stopped our practise, changed and went into the small gym were dinner was served for the whole marching band. They had so much food there but I didn't eat too much because I was kind of nervous. After dinner, we all had to put our jackets on (I love how they look but it gets DAMN hot in them!) and get some of the instruments to the field already. Then, shortly before the game started (I think at 7... don't ask me who we played against but we ended up losing... not a too big deal, L'Anse Creuse hasn't won a homecoming game in years) the marching part of the band went on the field for the pre-game show and we, the pit, went out on the parking lot to rehearsal. I couldn't practise though because the synth were already out on the field but it was still good to just stay there with the pit, listen to them, thinking over my parts and calm down a little during the first two quarters of the game. Shortly before half-time, we took the remaining instruments over to the field and when half-time began, everything had to go really fast - setting up our instruments in the front of the stands, taking out the notes and - play!
I have to say that I messed up quite a bit but it was okay. They didn't put the synth too loud yet. Oh my god, I'm in the band for only a week and already playing at the homecoming game... no wonder I was so nervous.
The show itself went past so quickly. A few minutes later we already had to put our stuff back by the fence and meet with the rest of the band and Mr Hilton in a corner. He briefly commented the show, then we had to remain quiet and listen to the homecoming announcements. After that, we as the pit had to get all our stuff back to the band room and then we all had 3rd quarter to ourselves and could go get some WATER (oh my god it was lovely! We weren't allowed to take off our jackets the whole time...)... during 4th quarter, we had to sit in the stands, the people with portable instruments played every now and then to support the team and in the end, we had to stand up and remain standing until some pictures were taken and everything... after that, the whole band marched out of the field together (marching is fun!).
Tidying up the band room and the uniforms and everything was kind of a chaos and Mr Hilton got a little mad about some uniforms hung up incorrectly and some band members leaving before we were dismissed. We were finally dismissed around 10.20 and I still had to go up to my locker and get my stuff so Sheila, her mom Tina (yaay got her name again ^^ well I'm learning...) and Courtney had to wait for a pretty long time... I felt so sorry for them but if I leave before the band's dismissed, I lose credit for my band class.
Finally getting home was releaving although I had had so much fun the whole day. But it's still kind of weird to not get home from 6.30 am to around 11 pm.
Yesterday was the day of the homecoming dance! I got up at around 9 o'clock or so. After a shower and breakfast, Sheila drove Courtney and me to a place where we got our hair done. Pretty many people were there already but we only had to wait for about 20 minutes or so until they started doing our hair. The girl who did my hair was really nice, her name's Nicki and she did such a good job. When my hair was almost done (I got it curled and up with some curles out and a little pushed up on top... well, look at the pictures!) Sheila surprised me by coming by and telling me I could also get my make-up done, she'd pay for both Courtney's and my make-up. I just LOVE her :) she's so awesome... So I got my make-up done as well ;) Nicki found the perfect eyeshadow color without even knowing what my dress looks like and I loved what she did with my eyes. It looked incredible.
When I was done, they were still doing Courtney's hair... She didn't have that much luck with the girl who made hers, she messed it up first and didn't understand want Courtney wanted... So Sheila and I went over to Taco Bell down the street to get some tacos and burritos and ate in the car. After that we went back in and waited until Courtney was done. She had her hair curled and mostly open, it looked really pretty. Her make-up was really cute, too and went perfectly with her dress.
When we got home, we got less than 2 hours left so we hurried a little painting our toenails and putting our fake fingernails on. Then we got dressed and Sheila took pictures of us outside. After that, we had to leave.
I was the first one to be dropped off at Chelsea's house. She's in band as well. I met the two Katies and Britney at her house and another girl who's name is Mary and who's really nice as well. Our parents took so many pictures! It was fun, they were all soooo pretty! A little later, Chelsea's mom took us to Red Robin at Macomb Mall. While we went there, she spent the time at the mall. Red Robin was packed and we had to wait for about half an hour to get a table but that was okay. The dinner was really good, I had a bacon cheeseburger with fries and some pop. When we were done, Chelsea's mom took us from Red Robin to L'Anse Creuse.
The dance was so much fun! In the beginning, hardly anyone danced. Well, the music wasn't perfect but they did have a couple of really good songs every now and then and the other songs were okay as well. It didn't take too long until almost everybody was dancing. I met Rob, too and we danced together a lot. It got really hot in the gym soon with all these people in there so I kept going to the air conditioned pool area (just a hallway) or to the common area where you could get something to drink with the girls and other band people or with Rob. Since the other girls all had their cameras with them, we also took a lot of photos. I'll hopefully get some of them soon, Katie said she'd send me some if I give her my email adress. I didn't really want to go home when the dance was over, it was such a fun night.
Today was a really relaxed Sunday. Except for Doug, we didn't go to church this time. After having taken a shower and eaten breakfast, I did my homework. In the afternoon, Grandma Tina and Sheila's friend and her 2 daugthers who have lived in Stuttgart for 3 years and just got back came over and we celebrated my birthday in advance a little because on Wednesday, I won't be home all day (band festival in... I forgot where but I won't come home until 10 or 10.30 pm). We had snacks, burgers and later we had chocolate cake with ice-cream :) I also got some presents, a DEB gift card from Tina, an American Eagle gift card from Sheila's friend, a blanket and letter paper from the Priemers (and the dress, of course!!) and some candy from Jacob. I am soooo happy now :) This was such an amazing weekend...
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Homecoming 07 |
And right NOW I'm finally getting tired which I haven't been all weekend! ;)
Band Practise
Never been so tired...
So, yesterday was my first band practise. After I had come home from school, I had some snack and tried to get as much homework done as possible but I still had pretty much left. Around 4.45, Sheila gave me a ride to the school.
Finding the Pit people wasn't hard, they were already getting their stuff outside (we played outside the band room at the parking lot while the marchers were somewhere else and later on the field). I got to know the section leader Sarah and the teacher who leads the Pit (oh oh... forgot a name again). They're both very nice. The other synthesizer people are kind of weird but okay. The band people are all a little crazy ;) seems like that belongs to being in the band ^^... I got a part to play but since I had never seen it before, I couldn't do much of it yet. While we were practising with the Pit, Mr Hilton came around and gave me my part in another song (that thingy he was writing for me... it's really good, I practised it today but I'm not perfect at it yet).
While we were practising, it became colder and colder... I had forgotten to bring a sweater. Around 7.30 or 8 (kinda lost my feeling of time out there...) we joined the rest of the band on the field and played all together. We had to do all the parts over and over again because Mr Hilton was never satisfied. Well, he's ambitious, that's okay. I was freezing by then... it's so hard to play a fast song with ice-cold fingers!
After practise, Courtney and Doug picked me up. Back home, I had some ice-cream and chocolate cake (yummy... hehe) and finished my homework... which meant that I didn't get to go to bed before 12. I had a hard time getting up this morning, and in school I almost fell asleep many times... but the other band members did, too so it wasn't bad.
I had to study and do a lot of homework today because since tomorrow is band practise again, I won't really get anything done tomorrow. I'm soooo tired though. It was hard to concentrate.
Oh oh.... my throat feels kind of scratchy. I better take a THICK sweatshirt tomorrow!
Please, God, don't let me get sick before Homecoming!!!
So, yesterday was my first band practise. After I had come home from school, I had some snack and tried to get as much homework done as possible but I still had pretty much left. Around 4.45, Sheila gave me a ride to the school.
Finding the Pit people wasn't hard, they were already getting their stuff outside (we played outside the band room at the parking lot while the marchers were somewhere else and later on the field). I got to know the section leader Sarah and the teacher who leads the Pit (oh oh... forgot a name again). They're both very nice. The other synthesizer people are kind of weird but okay. The band people are all a little crazy ;) seems like that belongs to being in the band ^^... I got a part to play but since I had never seen it before, I couldn't do much of it yet. While we were practising with the Pit, Mr Hilton came around and gave me my part in another song (that thingy he was writing for me... it's really good, I practised it today but I'm not perfect at it yet).
While we were practising, it became colder and colder... I had forgotten to bring a sweater. Around 7.30 or 8 (kinda lost my feeling of time out there...) we joined the rest of the band on the field and played all together. We had to do all the parts over and over again because Mr Hilton was never satisfied. Well, he's ambitious, that's okay. I was freezing by then... it's so hard to play a fast song with ice-cold fingers!
After practise, Courtney and Doug picked me up. Back home, I had some ice-cream and chocolate cake (yummy... hehe) and finished my homework... which meant that I didn't get to go to bed before 12. I had a hard time getting up this morning, and in school I almost fell asleep many times... but the other band members did, too so it wasn't bad.
I had to study and do a lot of homework today because since tomorrow is band practise again, I won't really get anything done tomorrow. I'm soooo tired though. It was hard to concentrate.
Oh oh.... my throat feels kind of scratchy. I better take a THICK sweatshirt tomorrow!
Please, God, don't let me get sick before Homecoming!!!
Monday... and not even as tired as usual!
Still happy :)
The day started good already. Katie came over and talked to me before Chemistry. I know, I say that a lot, but I can only repeat it again and again: she's just such a nice person :)
During Chemistry, everyone who got the spirit (1st day of Spirit Week: College Shirt Day) got candy. I was wearing the Michigan State shirt I bought yesterday. It's a little big on me because they didn't have smaller ones but I kind of like it. It's comfy. Tomorrow is Plaids and Stripes Day. I don't really have anything with plaids on it, but I'll probably wear my black and white striped shirt with some kind of top over it so you can still see the striped sleaves.
During lunch, I talked to Katie about Homecoming. She's going to give me Chelsea's adress tomorrow (Chelsea is the girl we're all going to first, and then we go to Red Robin for dinner and from there we're going to the dance... Katie doesn't know the details yet either, she's going to tell me as soon as she finds out).
In Precalc, we got our test back. Again, Mr Curtis gave the first 10 seats to the 10 best students and sorted the remaining seats by alphabeth. I could stay in my first seat, but the boy behind me got as many points as I got. Mr Curtis said he couldn't have the first seat because he didn't do as good on the quiz before... Well, I don't really mind where I'm sitting actually but of course I was proud of my grade again ;) I made 2 pretty stupid mistakes though.
We basically got sparetime for the rest of the hour and I finally got to talk to Rob again. He had waved at me before Precalc and later he came over to look at my test and talk. He's never met someone doing an exchange year before and he was impressed when I told him that in Germany we can drink and go out at the age of 16 ;) but I also told him that we can't drive on our own until we're 18. He knows Rammstein (of course, who in the U.S. doesn't?) and wanted me to write down some other German bands for him so I told him to look for "Die Aerzte", "Die Toten Hosen" and "Beatsteaks". He gave me some names of US-Bands but I didn't get to check them out yet. I also found out that I actually wasn't too wrong when I thought he was an exchange student as well - he said something like his native language was Arabian, so I guess he or at least his parents aren't born in the USA. I'm not sure, but I think he's new at L'Anse Creuse as well... he said something like he liked this school so much more already than his old school and he had taken Spanish at his old school but now started German at L'Anse Creuse... Well, I'm not sure though. But it sounded like it. He wanted my email adress and he wanted me to send him some pictures of Germany when I get back there. Well, it'll be a while until I go back there ;) We also talked about Homecoming a little, and differences between US schools and German schools... well, it was a long hour ^^ (Oh, by the way... Mr Curtis passed out grade sheets in the meantime. Straigt A! YAY! :) )
In the morning during Chemistry I had found out that Amy, a girl who sits almost next to me and is also in my Precalc class, is in my Symphony Band class. So after Precalc, we went to her locker together and then to the band room. She's nice :) on our way I told her I was a little worried the stuff they play could be too hard for me and she said she doesn't think so and even if, I'd always find someone in Marching Band to help me and I'd never be alone there. I think she plays the clarinet... I'm not sure though.
Symphony Band wasn't very exciting yet. Mr Hilton is going to write me a part but he didn't have time to do that yet, so I just went to a piano room with one of the music teachers and she told me to just show her something on the piano, so I played a little piece (basically the only thing I totally know by heart) and she told me I'd definitely be able to play what Mr Hilton was writing for me and then she gave me the tuba part because that'll be similar to what I'm gonna play... it was reaaaaally easy. But it was just left hand, I'll get something for both hands of course. I'm excited.
I want to play it!
Chemistry AND History test on Thursday... maaan...
The day started good already. Katie came over and talked to me before Chemistry. I know, I say that a lot, but I can only repeat it again and again: she's just such a nice person :)
During Chemistry, everyone who got the spirit (1st day of Spirit Week: College Shirt Day) got candy. I was wearing the Michigan State shirt I bought yesterday. It's a little big on me because they didn't have smaller ones but I kind of like it. It's comfy. Tomorrow is Plaids and Stripes Day. I don't really have anything with plaids on it, but I'll probably wear my black and white striped shirt with some kind of top over it so you can still see the striped sleaves.
During lunch, I talked to Katie about Homecoming. She's going to give me Chelsea's adress tomorrow (Chelsea is the girl we're all going to first, and then we go to Red Robin for dinner and from there we're going to the dance... Katie doesn't know the details yet either, she's going to tell me as soon as she finds out).
In Precalc, we got our test back. Again, Mr Curtis gave the first 10 seats to the 10 best students and sorted the remaining seats by alphabeth. I could stay in my first seat, but the boy behind me got as many points as I got. Mr Curtis said he couldn't have the first seat because he didn't do as good on the quiz before... Well, I don't really mind where I'm sitting actually but of course I was proud of my grade again ;) I made 2 pretty stupid mistakes though.
We basically got sparetime for the rest of the hour and I finally got to talk to Rob again. He had waved at me before Precalc and later he came over to look at my test and talk. He's never met someone doing an exchange year before and he was impressed when I told him that in Germany we can drink and go out at the age of 16 ;) but I also told him that we can't drive on our own until we're 18. He knows Rammstein (of course, who in the U.S. doesn't?) and wanted me to write down some other German bands for him so I told him to look for "Die Aerzte", "Die Toten Hosen" and "Beatsteaks". He gave me some names of US-Bands but I didn't get to check them out yet. I also found out that I actually wasn't too wrong when I thought he was an exchange student as well - he said something like his native language was Arabian, so I guess he or at least his parents aren't born in the USA. I'm not sure, but I think he's new at L'Anse Creuse as well... he said something like he liked this school so much more already than his old school and he had taken Spanish at his old school but now started German at L'Anse Creuse... Well, I'm not sure though. But it sounded like it. He wanted my email adress and he wanted me to send him some pictures of Germany when I get back there. Well, it'll be a while until I go back there ;) We also talked about Homecoming a little, and differences between US schools and German schools... well, it was a long hour ^^ (Oh, by the way... Mr Curtis passed out grade sheets in the meantime. Straigt A! YAY! :) )
In the morning during Chemistry I had found out that Amy, a girl who sits almost next to me and is also in my Precalc class, is in my Symphony Band class. So after Precalc, we went to her locker together and then to the band room. She's nice :) on our way I told her I was a little worried the stuff they play could be too hard for me and she said she doesn't think so and even if, I'd always find someone in Marching Band to help me and I'd never be alone there. I think she plays the clarinet... I'm not sure though.
Symphony Band wasn't very exciting yet. Mr Hilton is going to write me a part but he didn't have time to do that yet, so I just went to a piano room with one of the music teachers and she told me to just show her something on the piano, so I played a little piece (basically the only thing I totally know by heart) and she told me I'd definitely be able to play what Mr Hilton was writing for me and then she gave me the tuba part because that'll be similar to what I'm gonna play... it was reaaaaally easy. But it was just left hand, I'll get something for both hands of course. I'm excited.
I want to play it!
Chemistry AND History test on Thursday... maaan...
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