So on Saturday, I went to the hair place with Courtney so she could get her hair cut. Other then that, I didn't really do anything exciting until after dinner, when I went to Walmart with Gary to get a birthday present for Grayson (they have some really cool Speedracer toy cars there ;) we had fun pressing buttons...). Later that night, Sheila and I figured out my hair for prom.
On Sunday, we went to church and cleaned the house after. Around 3, guests for Grayson's birthday party came. Grandma was here, aunt and uncle, cousins Tony, Cassy, and Amanda, and Melinda's family (Melinda is Sheila's friend who lived in Germany for like, 3 years. Now they've been back for a year, but this summer they go there again for a year.). Melinda had called me in advance, because she wanted me to help her play a joke on her son Christopher whom I hadn't met yet. She told him that I didn't speak English very well, so he talked German to me for quite a while until we told him the truth ;) It was funny. But I'm pretty sure his German is better than mine is at the moment.
On Monday, I went with Gary in the morning when he brought Courtney to school (although he's out of school now, he still has to take his sisters in the morning, so he takes Courtney, too), because I had some little presents (German candy) for some of my teachers. After that, we went somewhere to have breakfast, and then we came back to the school for 3rd hour so I could take my Precalc final. After that, he picked me up again and we went to get Autumn. Until 6th hour, I explained the Precalc stuff to them at McDonald's, and then they had to go to take their final.
Tuesday was the day of our graduation practise. Again, I had to get up early, because it started at 7.30. We took our Senior picture, and then they explained to us what we have to do on graduation day. I still don't have my cap and gown... that kind of starts to bother me. Gary doesn't have his either, neither do Randy or Adam.
After that, we got our yearbooks and tickets for graduation. Then, Gary, Autumn, and I went to my house to look through the yearbooks until 4th hour, when we went back to the school to hang out with Mr Curtis during his prep hour. He signed our yearbooks :) AND he's coming to my goodbye party!!
And then, yesterday, was the day of our prom! I slept in, did some chores, and prepared for prom as much as I could so far... there wasn't really anything to start yet, though. When Sheila got home (she had to sub) she started doing my hair. We weren't even done with that yet when Eric, Ashlynn, and Kyle got to my house. Oh well, they were early, I was in time ;)
While I was doing my make-up and getting my dress on - with Courtney's help - Gary and Gina got here as well. Finally ready, I came downstairs, and Kyle gave me my cresage and flowers :) We waited for Matt, Courtney, Garrett, Autumn, and a couple parents, and then we started a looong photo session. Around 6.40 pm, we all left for Villa Penna, where the prom took place. It was a pretty cool place, and the dinner they served was good. As expected, the music consisted mainly of hip hop... oh well, it was alright. Autumn improvised with some epic hand-dances :) (she's still on crutches). The night ended too soon, and then Kyle, Gary, Gina, Matt, Courtney and I went with Autumn to Autumn's house. I stayed overnight. Rosie finally starts putting less effort into chewing me and more into chewing dog toys. Yay! I love that puppy. But she CAN get annoying. I've been back home since 2 pm. It felt amazing to take a shower and brush my teeth when I got home ^^
Prom's over, graduation's coming closer... and after that? Nooooo... :'(